All of Government head of communications

Inaugural Head of the Communications function for the All of Government sector. This was an extra-curricular role appointed by the State Services Commissioner. Michael held the role between 2009 – 2012. The Chair (or Head) of Communications convened monthly meetings of the heads of communications for core departments and agencies in the State Sector, provided advice and support to senior practitioners and induction briefings to incoming Chief Executives. With the support of the then Head of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (Sir Maarten Wevers), the heads of communications of the time self-initiated a review to help professionalise the communications function in government. This resulted in a set of twelve recommendations accepted by the State Services Commissioner relating to matters such as a common definition for communications, competencies for practitioners, team structure options, procurement, guidelines, etc. The Chair of Comms role was also pivotal at times of national emergencies and this was particularly evident at the time of the Christchurch Earthquake in early 2011, when All-of-Government teams in both Wellington and Christchurch were established to help support Ministers and the National Civil Defence Controller.