NZ Police

General Manager of Public Affairs, NZ Police between June 1999 and August 2012. Served on the Executive Leadership Team as a direct report of the four Commissioners who held the role during that time. The Public Affairs team was one of New Zealand’s largest and busiest, especially in providing 24 x 7 media relations cover. Michael was a “go to” person for strategic advice and coordinating communications team responses to crises including: Pike River, the Canterbury and Christchurch earthquakes and the Rena Maritime disaster. He was also a key adviser during the difficult years related to the Commission of Inquiry into Police Conduct and played a role in ensuring the recommendations were fully implemented. Following this troubled period he helped shape and promote introduction of the Policing Excellence and Prevention First Operating model. Put in place the highly successful “Better Work Stories” engagement and recruitment marketing campaign. Negotiated and signed commercial contracts relating to many different series of reality tv shows. These shows helped demystify policing and portray the complexity of operational policing. Refreshed and reinvigorated the police website to become the prime source of authoritative news content on policing matters. Implemented a new “user experience” based intranet and headed the redesign project for the Police livery and visual identity (still in vogue).